Monday, September 25, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
» "Bloggers" Would Include Rees Himself

The supreme irony of it all being that he posted this misdirected rant to his own blog, thus including himself in his diatribe.
As always, the best he can muster up against Austermuhle (who, by the way, has nothing to do with this weblog) is merely a long-past involvement in college Marxism, along with the rather long stretch of equating embassy employment with being a "mouthpiece for Chavez." Weak.
So 5-10 people (you'd think the head of the household/office would know exactly how many people are in his own computer room), whose names do not come up on DC voter registration lists are crammed around a single computer in Rees' home/office, all typing in the same bad English (persistent language problems are a symptom accompanying a wide range of mental disorders, by the way), within minutes of each other, registered with email addresses that don't work, all of whom sound just like Rees.
Please seek professional help. We care about you, Jonathan.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
» Rees sour-grapes on DCMessageBoards
We're pretty amazed at how stupid you are, so fair trade.
If you combine the wealth of all of my ward 3 rivals, I have more than they do.
Right. I'm sure the IRS will be very interested in this statement.
So when I ran my campaign and only put up $500, it should have dawned on people that I never intended to be a serious candidate but I did it to mock the corruption in our electoral process and to spoof it all.
You sure did succeed at mocking the electoral process. Not that anyone ever thought you were a serious candidate at all.
Yet, nobody caught on to what I was doing but had som many dummies running around thinking they were doing people a favor and I loved the game as it was just that, a game played by idiots who I fooled all along.
There was a game played by an idiot here, that's for sure.
I think the people of ward 3 are the dumbest people in DC as they are what others have correctly coined, educated ignoramuses. The United States Congress should never give DC a vote there, grant statehood but keep things at it was intended and that is, keep DC as a federal enclave as DC is a joke and an embarrassment to the rest of this country. The fact I fooled so many is better reason why Congress should never give DC a vote!!!
Thanks for letting Ward 3 and the District know what you really think of them. Looking forward to your next 0% vote in 2010.
» Crack City: What Jonathan Rees Really Thinks About the People of Ward 3
Have you ever noticed as you walk around the area of DC known as Ward 3 how snobby and stupid people really are?
Snobbiness is usually the result of insecurity, and the trashy white people of DC Ward 3 have every reason to feel insecure.
Most of the people of DC Ward 3 while walking around with a college degree in their back pocket, have absolutely no common sense, they love their fancy dinner parties, getting fucked up every weekend at Town Hall, sniffing Cocaine that was just delivered to their front door as easily as calling Dominos Pizza or shelling out the big SSS for the some 360 prescriptions filled daily by various pharmacies for (genital herpes) Valtrex because in the heated moment of their sexual degeneracy, they forgot through an intoxicated stupor to put that raincoat on.
Ah, it is great being a DC Ward 3 Trashy White Person!
Jonathan R. Rees' New Anti-Gay, Anti-"Trashy White People" Blog?
Candidate Rees Compounds Past Stupidities With Brand-New Ones
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
» Jonathan R. Rees = LaRouche
Killer difference: Flesh—Larouche’s cult followers are all live human beings. Rees’ followers are mostly concocted in cyberspace by Rees himself.
» What is Rees' Position on the Smokefree Workplace Law?
Rees sent the following message to Smokefree DC in response to their candidate questionnaire:
July 6, 2006
Dear Sirs and/or Madams:Rees for city council has campaigned on a pledge that he would not to seek
contributions, endorsements, or ratings from any "special interests groups" and
Mr. Rees will not break that pledge to voters.As such Ress for DC City Council respectfully declines to participate in
your Candidate Questionnaire.Sincerely,Ramon Rivera
Rivera is an often used alias of Rees and the email was sent from Rees' personal account
Settingaside that Rees was never in danger of recieving an endorsement fromSmokefree DC, ratings are of course not endorsements and it is standardfare for groups to publicize every candidate's views, in their ownwords, as Smokefree DC plans to do.
However, Rees has posted a number of times on smokefree indoor workplace bills. Below is a sampling.
"WhileI am not a smoker, I see anti-smokers and their current cause in DC asbeing on the same mental wave length as abortion clinic bombers."
August 30, 2005 9:48 pm nothing wrong with the concept of having a smoking ban in DC butwhat is slowing it down is the abrasive approach many have taken.Theanti-smoking ban was not tabled for the reasons we think it was but itwas tabled because campaign contributors mainly corporations threatenedcertain council members that if they pass it, kiss any campaigncontributions in 2006 goodbye. That spelled political suicide for sometop, heavy contenders! So it was tabled under a diusguise and a promiseto re-visit but that too will get postponed until after November 2006.Corporate contributors behind the scenes want a compromise in the formof a ban but a way out, namely, bars and restaurants can get off thehook if they become a private establishments with 100 paid members.Snicker at some of the things I say but "I" not "you" sit down and talkbehind the scene with our council members, their staffers and the likeso I have been privy to a lot of stuff that would shock most of you.How many of you anti smokers give money the political campaigns ofourmayor or council members? Well? Guess what, corporate DC gives tons ofit so who do you think your beloved leaders will listen to.
August 30, 2005 10:00 pm, using one of his better known aliases posted thess pro-smoking messages to a smokers Yahoo Group:ABOLISH ALL TOBACCO TAXES
July 12, 2005Writing for himself, he urged the repeal of the new law:ARE YOU A CIGARETTE SMOKER?
May 9, 2006Here he claims to be the Pro-smokers' candidate:Take another good look at Jonathan Rees for DC Ward 3 City Council.
May 24, 2006
Here is a telling exchange with Rees on DCist.
It goes on with additional ranting by Rees on other subjects, but these are the relevant posts:…By the way Mr. Rees, you will get nowhere with voters if you continueto reek of cigarettes. No wonder you are against the smoking ban.
[9] Posted by: Joe November 29, 2005 07:35 AMWhat'sup with Rees? I've read the previous posts about him completelydisinterested in the past, but now he has become incredibly annoying.
Jonathan,is this an Andy Kaufman style social experiment or are you justoperating in a different plane of reality that none of us cancomprehend?
[10] Posted by: lb November 29, 2005 09:48 AMHere's my favorite Jonathan Rees quotation:
"WhileI am not a smoker, I see anti-smokers and their current cause in DC asbeing on the same mental wave length as abortion clinic bombers."
[11] Posted by: Sandra November 29, 2005 11:07 AMAndisn't it interesting how his posts (under his own and assumed IDs) hereand elsewhere always center on rumor and hearsay: "People are saying""I saw Rees talking to So-and-so" "I hear that Rees is getting highgrade from...."So-o-o sad.
[12] Posted by: =--- November 29, 2005 11:47 AMJoe,
Youare a dumb ass. The American Cancer Society and the people behind theefforts for a no smoking ban know that I am in favor of the ban. GodJoe you are a dumb ass and talk shit too much and do it out of somementally ill bias you hold. Why don't you finally shut up and know whatyou are talking about before you talk out of you ass again.
[13] Posted by: Jonathan Rees November 29, 2005 11:58 AMItis amazing that if anybody says anything nice about me then they areautomatically assumed IDs. I thought bloggers had a brain but I guess Iwas wrong.
I have learned that bloggers are hateful people who havenothing better to do that bad mouth people but never offer anythingconstructive or what the mainstream wants to hear that is why thesefreaks have their own little hole in the wall so they can impress eachother with their nonsense.
[14] Posted by: Jonathan Rees November 29, 2005 12:02 PMSandra,
Myquote about stays as it is as I feel that while a no smoking ban ispossible, the anti-smokers have to be more flexible and by that I mean,they have to allow some exceptions because if they don't, Council mightnot pay anything and then there is Congress.
I believe Congress willstrike down any smoking ban the DC Government erects just as fast as itwould strike down any law granting the right to same sex marriage.
[16] Posted by: Jonathan Rees November 29, 2005 12:09 PMLet'scall it correctly, Mr. Rees. You say the anti-smokers need to be moreflexible, but what about those of us who choose not to pollute ourlungs with crap. We are not anti-smoking, we are pro-pink lungs, andprefer not to have to smell the stench of old cigarettes near us, or tohave to breathe in someone else's filth.
If people want to consumecancer sticks in their own cars and in their own dwellings, that'sfine. I have no problem with enriching the medical community and thetobacco growing shareholders. However, when it comes to the air Ibreathe, the clean streets (how many times have we seen smokers flicktheir butts out the window?) and other issues associated with smoking,the government should be able to intervene to protect the public healthand welfare.
However, when it comes to public places and placeswhere non-smokers and small children are present, it is both courteousand safer to not have cigarette smoke present.
If you want to put that on the same pedestial as abortion clinic bombers, go for it.
I hope your opponents use this quote against you as they should.
Bobby[18] Posted by: Bobby November 29, 2005 12:24 PMBobby,
Yousee it one way and say you want to preserve your healthy lungs, thesmokers say they should be allowed to have a place for their own butthe anti-smokers say no way and when I say flex, the smokers are moreflexible than the anti-smokers and as long as the anti-smokers won'tflex, I think the Council will not budge and Congress will shoot downsuch a ban.
CASE IN POINT (RAVEN BAR & GRILL). They are clearlyan all smokers' place and they want the right to remain that way underan exception if a ban is passed. Six of the council members agree andsee the anti-smokers has having a right but not a right to rule the day.
[19] Posted by: Jonathan Rees November 29, 2005 12:41 PMMy plan would be to pass a no-smoking ban that applies to all.
Thereafter,if any establishment wishes to allow smoking, it must apply for anexception as a private bar and/or restaurant, pay an annual exceptionfee $2,500.00, hold a set number of paid members and have to place asign outside warning the public this is a smoke friendly establishmentand attendance is by membership only or guest of a member.
[20] Posted by: Jonathan Rees November 29, 2005 12:50 PMThesale of liquor kills more Americans every year than tobacco. There is aproven link to your use of alcohol and the death of others more thanthe use of tobacco by a smoker that kills a non-smoker.
More Americans die every year from the use of alcohol than from the use of tobacco.
Should we also ban the sale and use of alcohol in public establishments?
Carol Schwartz had a good point here.
Let's ban all cigarette smoking in public places and the use of alcoholic beverages.
[21] Posted by: Jonathan Rees November 29, 2005 01:04 PMRees,
Are you a smoker? I'm unclear about that from what you've written.
[23] Posted by: Naomi November 29, 2005 01:45 PMHe claimed in one listserver email to not be a smoker, but stank of cigarettes last night.
John[24] Posted by: John November 29, 2005 02:00 PMThat is untrue. I have never claimed to be a non-smoker! I am a Sicilian. Be nice or I'll smoke you.
[25] Posted by: Jonathan Rees November 29, 2005 02:18 PM
His profile on a dating website says that he does smoke:
Reesis obsessed with Sam Brooks, but more so with his own ego. In this postRees brags about all of the endorsements and score cards he was aboutto recieve. These were posted in November 2005:ThankMartin for your article today as my website went up 489 hits since 5 PMtoday or was that the positive press I got in a local medicalnewsletter stating they will endorse me over Sam Brook! They will alsoendorse Linda Cropp, Phil Mendelson but this is an organization thathas 2,800 members in Ward 3.
Their report card will be released to the Wash Post on November 17.
Afterthat, Sam you and Martin can go have one of your famous beers togetherat the Hawk & Dove where I heard you two have had drinks beforetogether.
[15] Posted by: Jonathan R. Rees November 8, 2005 11:47 PM Brooks is angry young man who is motivated by two things, and they are:
1. My team has already blanketed every possible home in Ward 3 with mycampiagn literature; and
2. Sam Brooks is being ignored by the most prominient organozations in DC that could offer an endorsement or support.
Onething you might want to look into is the fact that many powerfulorganizations in DC will be holding their annual meetings this monthand next and that while I have been invited to their parties and thereleasing of their report cards on the candidates with possibleendorsements, Sam Brooks has not gotten any invites and he is deeplyupset over the fact that organizations he wants their endorsement fromare ignoring him and inviting me.
Brooks never told any of you how upset he is that he has been stepped over to these events.
[29] Posted by: Jonathan Rees November 9, 2005 11:44 AM, also posing as his daughter "Anita" further explians that no one cares about issues:If voters paid attention to issues then Sam Brooks would have probably beaten Brazil and Brown back in 2004.
Unfortunately,most political experts say that less than 3% of all voters payattention to issues or care about them because voters have tunes out asthey are tired of hearing the same old better schools, betteraccountability, etc.
Voters when chosing to vote look at three things in deciding and the issues is not one of them.
Sam Brooks lost out for those three reasons political scientists cite as the major cause why good candidates lose.
What are they? Can anybody answer this question since we have so many brainiacs online?
[85] Posted by: Anita Rees November 10, 2005 12:58 AM
Atvarious stages during his campaign, Jonathan Rees has claimed that hereceived the endorsements of the DC Medical Society, DC Dental Society,and the DC Hospital Association. Rees also claimed that he was endorsedby the Apollo Deli on Wisconsin Avenue. None of it was true, of course.It seems that once it became clear to Rees that he could not get any endorsements, he started to say that he never wanted any.
» Fake ID and Resume
This is the obviously fake id that Jonathan Rees has shared online to try and convince people that he is actually employed.
Not a very good try. Interestingly, it isn't even on his resume.
fake id is a really poor cut and paste job. It has no expiration date
on the front. And it calls Rees the "Administrator" of the entire
The question of Rees' employment remains a mystery. The company that he claims to work for, Institutional Dental Care, appears--like everything else Rees touches--to be a fake.
A nice little discussion about Rees employment appears at
A copy of his resume was found online and posted at
So really, is Rees capable of holding down a job? Or do his multiple personalities keep that from happening?
» Banning Rees from the Columbia Heights Email Group
1:56 am 3664 Racist FederalJudge Ricardo M. Urbina
Maria Teres [Alias of Jonathan R. Rees]
1:59 am 3665 Racist Federal Judge Ricardo M. Urbina
Maria Teres [Alias of Jonathan R. Rees] 7:50 am 3671 Racist FederalJudge Ricardo M. Urbina
All, I find this is inappropriate for a community list serve and offensive. Do others agree?
Lynn French 8:10 am 3672 Re: [columbia_heights] Racist FederalJudge Ricardo M. Urbina
I glanced over it at first, but after re-reading it, I would agree with Lynn. I think we can find another place for this type of post. We do just fine getting under each others skin, we do not need outside help =)
Mark Barlet 8:16 am 3673 Judge Urbina
I have had the chance to also see this posuting about U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina and while this web site might be off the hook, what it says about this man is the truth. As a paralegal, I have heard this man utter racist remarks about anybody ...
Jonathan R. Rees 9:30 am 3676 Re: Racist Federal Judge Ricardo M. Urbina
Yes, this posting regarding Judge Ricardo M. Urbina is totally uncalled for, tasteless, poorly written and full of misspelled words. Postings like these only discredit the person(s) responsible for posting such messages as well as to compromise the effectiveness of this forum as a positive community building tool.
tappel5169 9:47 am 3677 racist garbage and commercial garbage
1. Opening my inbox this morning, I found a pile of commercial e-mails from Jonathan Reese, apparently promoting his web site design portfolio (a radio station, restaurant, leather accesories vendor...?!?). This list is ...
Michael Wilkinson 10:17 am 3678 Re: Racist FederalJudge Ricardo M. Urbina
The URL listed on your email takes one to a website about the person in the subject line. The first thing one sees is a photo of the judge and this description of him:
"Judge Ricardo M. Urbina - Judge Urbina first came to national promience as the popular child star known as "Buckwheat" on the syndicated TV programs "Our Gang" and "The Little Rascals".
The text then goes on to condemn this judge in extremely hateful terms supposedly for not acting "Hispanic" enough but is actually a rant against affirmative action, gays and lesbians, woman lawyers, etc.
Why should anyone believe any of this about Judge Urbina ...
Larry Bellinger 10:27 am 3679 Re: Racist Federal Judge Ricardo M. Urbina
Again? Once more, if ANY of the information in this website is wrong, how can ANY of it be trusted as truth? BTW- If Urbina graduated from Georgetown in 1967,...
Larry Bellinger 10:28 am 3681 Re: [columbia_heights] racist garbage and commercial garbage
Racist and commercial garbage are a no-no. Any repeat of that and I will remove the offenders from the list. I was hoping not to have to deal with a situation that is clearly over the top. I like to wrap myself in the first amendment. But stuff like this could destroy the list quick. Call me a hypocrite but I am afraid it is necessary.
David McIntire 10:37 am 3682 RE: [columbia_heights] Judge Urbina
Funny how the Urbina website background is identical to the background of the Don Juan's rest. ad. Also, the Urbina site is supposedly from the paralegal association. Man, this really stinks.
Larry Bellinger 10:38 am 3683 racist garbage and commercial garbage
Judge Ricardo M. Urbina For what it's worth, let me remind folks that even the Supreme Court of the U.S. has said that the First Amendment does not confer upon...
Peter Wolff 10:49 am 3684 RE: [columbia_heights] Judge Urbina
Lynn: I agree all of these recent posting by Jonathan Rees are total crap. I don't need to get spam on leather goods or racist comments or restaurant plugs. Makes me actually long for the discourse between William and Dave.
Paul Jenny 11:05 am 3686 Re: Judge Urbina
The language in your posting was beyond vile -- it was repulsive, disgusting and divisive. Surely you must want to present a better face to your neighbors!
Lynn French
11:08 am 3687 Re: Racist FederalJudge Ricardo M. Urbina
Mark, if there is another place where this sort of posting is appropriate, I am very happy that I am not aware of it.
Lynn French 11:59 am 3688 Rees Gone
Good news, Mr. Rees has unsubscribed. Now if Maria Teres would take the hint as well, William and I could have the field cleared for ourselves. Thanks all for your quick responses.
David McIntire 12:03 pm 3689 Re: Racist FederalJudge Ricardo M. Urbina
...I am not sure where it would be, but in the age of the internet there is a place for everything. I just do not think it is here. Idid a report once in school on fringe groups and the Internet, and I spent an afternoon looking for various things, I was shocked at what I had found, I found sites that range from cults to the KKK. ...
Mark Barlet 12:18 pm 3690 Re: [columbia_heights] Rees Gone
Just to be an equal oppertunity offender, Both Maria Teresa Biddy and Mr. Rees email comes from the same sorce. Just thought I would let you know. A DSL Connection via Info Below:Received: from []) (8.9.1/8.9.1) with ESMTP id CAA02625 ...
Mark Barlet 12:29 pm 3691 RE: [columbia_heights] Rees Gone
Thanks, I thought so. Otay!
Larry Bellinger 12:59 pm 3695 Message Control
We need to provide for some order and protocol of messages being posted to our community list. I believe many of us have used this list to vent personal interests, angers and frustrations that were not in line with the main dialogue of this list. We've seen ads, hateful commentary,misrepresentations, name calling, etc. Many messages should be one on one messages instead of airing one's problems to the members of the list. ...
Holly Moskerintz 4:33 pm 3699 Re: [columbia_heights] Rees and Teresa Gone
Mark,They are both now gone. I imagine they were one and the same. It is unfortunate that we were found by a real nut case. But it might happen from time to time. There is no good way to prevent that from happening again. I think list members handled it well with the immediate response. It saved me from being forced to do it. Thanks
David McIntire
4:08 am 3703 Re: Racist FederalJudge Ricardo M. Urbina
I find the language offensive, very offensive. I think there are better ways of communicating the issue. Chances are that I will delete these messages in the future even though the message may be of some value because of the possible offensiveness I may experience.
Eric Heard 4:13 am 3704 Re: Judge Urbina
Then I would suggest that the association document his history of remarks and take it to the authorities within the judicial system. I would also suggest that a different level of communication might be more appropriate. It would be for me.
Eric Heard
4:31 am 3705 Re: Racist FederalJudge Ricardo M. Urbina
Even this egroup has the ability to filter. It's called delete, delete, delete.
Eric Heard
6:47 am 3706 FREE SPEECH & JUDGE URBINA [This is a shorter version of 3707 -Bob]
I had the opportunity to read the various postings concerning Judge Urbina of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia former a judge at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and I see it as nothing more than an act of freedom of speech and those who are offended by it are your typical left winged faggots and feminazis but then again, your fags and fems are well known for being far more oppressive than the right wing. I say you silly little faggots, take those dicks out of your mouths and asses and get real because it was you butt fucks who sought freedom of speech and there is nothing more offensive than fags and fems who are creatures of SATAN himself and American offends GOD by appointing people like Judge Urbina who is so confused he doesn't know if he would prefer a CHIC or a DICK.
The United State Congress has been wise to reject all requests to incorporate discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation into our civil rights laws but go read your Bible and see what GOD says about you silly little faggots and the origin of GOSSIP, ENVY and the DISTORTION OF TRUTH a favorite set of tools of the homosexual.
Paulie Walnuts [alias of Jonathan Reese]
7:30 am 3708 Re: Free Speech & Judge Urbina
I do not believe that this is what the framers of the constitution had in mind when they wrote the 1st Amendment. This is not appropriate. ... ...
Lynn French
7:55 am 3709 Re: Free Speech & Judge Urbina
Your account has been set to moderated. Subscribers can feel free to express what they think of low life scum like you. Your messages will be filtered through...
David McIntire
8:07 am 3710 Re: Free Speech & Judge Urbina
WOW, Kinda makes the statements I say seem a little more tame! Woo Hoo I no longer hold the record for most offensive thing, by the way, can I call this person...
Mark Barlet
6:05 am 3712 spam
Hi all, I can't allow a few individuals to use spam to try to destroy this egroup community. Below is a message I sent to our anonymous "Paulie Walnuts". Does anyone have a problem with what I did?
Dave McIntire I will be keeping an archive of disapproved messages that any one can see. Your message has no Columbia Heights content. I will not allow spam by people posting anonymously. If you want to give me your real name, address and possibly, telephone number to independently verify your identity, I will not moderate your posts.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paulie Walnuts"
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 11:06 AM
Sir you have just proven my point about fags like yourself who want freedom to do what you want but will not allow others the same. I rest my case!
David McIntire
9:06 am 3713 Re: Free Speech & Judge Urbina
Dave: Why bother, I say just delete this cat from the list. I feel for you, if he is a prolific writer. What concerns me more is that this is arriving on top...
Paul Jenny
9:21 am 3714 Re: Free Speech & Judge Urbina
It is very quick for me to set an individual account to be moderated and a bit of a bother for someone to set up an anonymous email account, open an egroup account and finally compose a message. Also there are other things I can do to expose the person(s).
David McIntire 9:23 am 3715 Re: spam
I agree with your approach (the Urbina posters quit on their own, right?). I think Walnuts' messages are completely disgusting, and although he probably does...
Caroline Polk
9:56 am 3716 Re: Mt. Pleasant Forum - 01/02/15
To All CH Digest Members: I have a suggestion for how we can move forward on this "moderation" of our egroup debate. Please respond to the egroup with your...
John Brill
10:13 am 3717 Re: Free Speech & Judge Urbina
Dave -- Just out of curiosity, how many others have you "set to moderated"?
Lynn French
10:54 am 3718 New Separate Moderated Columbia Heights List
Hi All, As we all know, this list is out of control. The only way to bring it under control is to have a moderated discussion. Our recent vote was ...
11:23 am 3719 Judge Urbina Agrees With Rees & Walnuts
Good people, while we all have been offended by the remarks made about Judge Urbina by many people, as one of his former law clerks, the claims to his racist ways is sadly true. ...
Roy R.J. Stewart-Rivera
1208 50th Place, NE
Washington, D.C. 20019
Roy Stewart [alias of Jonathan Rees]
11:29 am 3720 New List Subscription Instructions
Here's what you need to subscribe to the new Moderated Columbia Heights list. Send an e-mail to the following addresses in order to: Subscribe:...
11:33 am 3721 Judge Urbina Agrees With Rees & Walnuts [Repeat of 3719 -Bob]
Good people, while we all have been offended by the remarks made about Judge Urbina by many people, as one of his former law clerks, the claims to his racist ...
Roy Stewart-Rivera [alias of Jonathan Rees] 11:54 am 3722 Re: Free Speech & Judge Urbina
Lynn, NONE!! That is the problem - if I don't do anything then people complain about the nature of some posts. Then when some racist nut case starts posting...
David McIntire
12:03 pm 3723 Re: Judge Urbina Agrees With Rees & Walnuts
Roy, There are two rules concerning this forum. One is that the material must be specific to the Columbia Heights community. The second is no commercial ...
David McIntire
12:14 pm 3724 message from Jose Sueiro about offensive posts
All, I was married (the first time) by Judge Urbina and consider him one of the most wonderful human beings I have ever met. Yes, I do consider the posting inappropriate. And, unfortunately, I know who posted it. We're gonna have a little talk.
Jose Sueiro
12:51 pm 3728 Re: Judge Urbina Agrees With Rees & Walnuts
At this point WHO CARES? What ever message you HAD was lost by the insane method in that is was delivered!
BY THE WAY, ROY STEWART'S EMAIL IS FROM THE SAME SOURCE AS ALL OTHER ONES. I think we should just put a moratoriun on new members.
Mark Barlet
1:22 pm 3732 I Am Me An Nobody Else
A M. Barlet has made an inaccurate statement suggesting that my message comes from the same source as others. This is wholly untrue. I am me and just because I take a stance on this Judge Urbina issue does not mean I am in cohoots with others or my message comes from the same source.
Roy R.J. Stewart-Rivera
1208 50th Place, NE
Washington, D.C. 20019
Roy Stewart [alias of Jonathan Rees]
1:44 pm 3733 Moderation/membership control
Dave, et al. I can really appreciate the spot that some of these recent off-the-wall emails puts Dave in as the de facto list moderator. Perhaps there is a ...
Megan Cytron
1:47 pm 3734 Jose Sueiro - requests for service
Hi all, For those who have read Jose Sueiro's recent post but don't know who he is, the following article is from Thursday's District Weekly. Mr. Sueiro can be...
Elizabeth McIntire
1:49 pm 3735 Re: I Am Me An Nobody Else
Roy, or whom ever you are, I, nor many other have been amused by your e-mail, and after your writings under the pen name of Walnut, I assure you that nothing...
Mark Barlet
1:58 pm 3736 Re: I Am Me An Nobody Else
Mr. Stewart, I, too, am convinced that you have been a number of our mystery guests. I have not set your account to "moderated". Without pointing fingers, ...
David McIntire
2:04 pm 3737 Re: I Am Me An Nobody Else
Can we please stop looking up people's information? This list is beginning to feel a bit like the Gestapo. Can't we just judge messages based on their...
Megan Cytron
2:41 pm 3739 Re: I Am Me An Nobody Else
Megan, I am not looking anybody up, it is all in the header of the email, every time you send one, it is there! Most people have there e-mail software trunkade...
Mark Barlet
2:46 pm 3740 Re: Digest Number 314
Mark, It appears you may be catching on. You are indeed correct even calling the person who insists on insulting Judge Urbina a "piece of crap" is ...
3:19 pm 3741 Isn't That Special
It seems to me that this group shows a tremendous intolerance for anyone who dares to speak their mind no matter how off the hook it is. To be quite frank, I...
Roy Stewart [alias of Jonathan Rees]
3:19 pm 3742 Re: I Am Me An Nobody Else
All, I think it would be an incalculatable coincidence to have 4 or so unrelated people using different computers, join a particular egroup in the space of ...
David McIntire
3:33 pm 3743 David McIntire Is Incorrect
Jose Sueiro knows who I am and that I am not any of these other people David McIntire and I would suggest before you go around BS ing others that you get your facts straight. Obviously you hold some biases that will not allow yourself to accept the fact that if you look carefully, anybody who uses MSN, Verizon, Etc., will show idential IP addresses when transmitting an email.
If I am not mistaken, this Paulie Walnut guys is a fictional character on the HBO TV program known as the Sorpranos and as for this Rees person, Jose Sueiro says that he knows him to be a paralegal in high demand and who was retained in 1991, by a committee of lawyers and others to testify and submit evidence before the Committee on the Judiciary at the U.S. Senate against Urbina which made Urbina almost not get nominated by a narrow vote of just 1.
Therefore, as a former clerk to Urbina and knowing his nature, Rees clearly does not want any of us to forget the threat this man poses.
David.... let's get our facts straight as you bore me.
Roy Stewart [alias of Jonathan Rees]
4:47 pm 3744 Re: I Am Me An Nobody Else
The rhetoric is reminiscent of folks who are angry at having been ordered to support their children.
Lynn French
8:03 pm 3747 Re: David McIntire Is Incorrect
You should know. You and Jonathan Rees live at 1616 Kilborne St. NW. Mr. Rees regular legitimate email address is jrr1955@... and his telephone number is 462-1017 for those that might want to complain. So Roy/John, whichever, is that accurate enough for you?
David McIntire
8:40 pm 3748 Smells Like Child Support
So one of our members feels like all of this squabbling sounds hateful parents who do not want to pay their child support. Well, I can't speak for others but I don't have any children so no sour grapes here. As a matter of fact, I have never been involved in any legal action which I instituted or was instituted against me. I wonder how all of this squabbling sounds like hateful parents who do not want to pay their child support. Be as it may, David stop sounding so much like Adolf Hilter and let the music flow.
Roy Stewart [alias of Jonathan Rees]
8:52 pm 3749 Dave McIntire Is Wrong Again
Once again, Dave is 100% wrong.
I live on 50th Place, NE and not where he wants others to believe and this should send a message to all that you canot trust what Dave says to be true let along accurate.
Dave might I suggest you drop a few Thorazines and get to know yourself better.
Roy Stewart [alias of Jonathan Rees]
10:14 pm 3750 Dave McIntire Is A Sack Of Shit
Dave McIntire Is A Sack Of Shit and I think most of us now must agree when he went so far out of his way out of pure hatred because sonmebody else disagreed with him that Dave the Asshol McIntire felt it necessary to publish somebody's else address and phone number.
Dave if I wasn't a gentleman, I would come over to your house and kick the shit out of your sorry ass! Yet I think the members of this group now can see how much of a sack of shit you are when you went to such an extreme because of your hatefulness.
To me you are a sick bastard and have fed members of this room with lies suggesting that several people are the same, etc..
In sum Dave, you have just proven to all that you are a sack of shit for having gone to the extreme you did or is it because you disagreed with another because he saw you for what you are?
Roy Stewart [alias of Jonathan Rees]
10:55 pm 3751 (No subject)
Dave, I am a new member here and have been reading all the postings. I dont know if I should be a part of this or not as I do not agree on posting a persons ...
Ida Ruth Smith [alias of Jonathan Rees]
11:21 pm 3752 Dave McIntire May Have HIV?
I am sad to admit that my father was a well known bi-sexual here in the Metro DC area, my father contracted HIV but died just a year ago and I know Dave McIntire to have been one of my father's lovers.
Why is it that gays like McIntire are inherently so evil and hateful that they feel a need to want to hurt people who disagree with them?
McIntire is a good argument why the United States Government should never extend any special rights to gays because history has taught us how evil and rotten gays are and how they want to hurt others who don't see things their way: E.G. J. Edgar Hoover, Roy Cohn,John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dohmer and now Dave McIntire.
Biddy Alex [alias of Jonathan Rees]
11:35 pm 3753 How does this feel Dave?
David McIntire xxx Park Rd Nw Washington , DC 20010 202)232-xxxx
Biddy Alex [alias of Jonathan Rees]
February 17, 2001
1:04 am 3754 Regretfully,
For the sake of respectful discourse on this forum, we have unsubscribed RoyRJ Stewart Rivera and Ida Smith and will do the same for Alex Biddy once the subscription appears in the member listing.
We have also taken the exceptional step of "banning" the four email addresses connected to Mr Stewart Rivera, which means those addresses will be rejected if subscription is attempted again.
Finally, and with much hesitation, we have temporarily placed a filter on new members --membership requests will come to the moderator.
I have no idea what basis will be used to accept subscriptions-- an email address is a blank slate.
Elizabeth and David McIntire
12:26 pm 3756 posting member information
Hi all,
The following message was from Jonathan Rees who has been subscribing under various aliases the last couple of days.
I did not get the information I posted about him in any surreptitious way. The information was from one of his own web pages that he sent to this group as an attachment.
I thought if I made it look like I was super sleuth, he might stop posting spam to the egroup without forcing me to have his posts go through me.
But I didn't appreciate how ill he is as evidenced by last night's postings under the alias Biddy Alex.
So I felt compelled to take what I consider the extraordinary step of unsubscribing him under his various aliases so he would no longer receive email from the group and temporarily set the egroup to have Elizabeth and I approve new member subscriptions.
I did that because as long as he has access of any kind, I fear he will remain focused on the egroup and continue to try to cause havoc.
He tried to subscribe yet again Saturday morning and we disapproved the subscription. I am hoping that after a couple of weeks, he will tire of the game and go on to something else. When he does I will reset subscriptions to go through automatically again.
I feel genuinely sympathy for him. As far as I am concerned, he has an illness that is just like any other illness. He can't help it but it has the very tragic consequence of removing him from the fellowship others.
But my first duty is to the integrity of the group and I hope members will understand why Elizabeth and I have taken these steps. We already have had a few unsubscriptions. It is in no way an attempt to censor or moderate the group. Your email will continue to go through to the group automatically and we will approve all member subscriptions with the exception of Mr. Rees. We have never done anything likes this before and hope never to face this dilemma again.
If you think we should have continued to allow him to post please let us know. And for those who are religiously inclined, you might make a prayer for his recovery.
David McIntire
12:40 pm 3758 Re: posting member information
The person/people who wrote those hateful, inflammatory messages was obviously off his/her rocker, but I do agree with him/her on one tangential point. I think it is absolutely wrong for a member of this group to post or demand any private information from another member of this group.
Megan Cytron 2:08 pm 3759 Re: posting member information
Megan, Perhaps, I was not clear. I have neither posted or demanded private information. The information I posted about Jonathan Rees was from Jonathan Rees' "public" web page.
Also this egroup is not (!!!) moderated. The only thing that has been done is the exclusion of a single demented person. Hopefully we won't have another.
David McIntire
» Jonathan Rees' Adult Profile on Yahoo
Real Name: Jonathan R Rees
Location: Washington DC
Age: 47
Marital Status: Single
Sex: Male
Occupation: Legal Consultant
Hobbies: Banging faggots and doctoring on my herpes infected penis.
Latest News: I have used and abused my friends now my payback is herpes, but I love that round brown!
Favorite Quote: I m a PERVERT!!Bend over baby!
(Possibly hacked?)
» Jonathan Rees Makes a Bomb Threat
At 9:03 PM, Theodore Kaczynski said...
"I sent the staff at City Desk a gift for Memorial Day. It is in a box wrapped up with brown paper. I'll probably know that you got it on the 6 O'clock news."
At 12:10 PM, City Desk said...
City Desk is not down with bomb threats, asshole.
» The Many, Many Names of Rees
Names, links, and IP addresses at:; and; and; and
- alfgcapone,
- Michael A. Anderson
- Alex Biddy,
- Angela Biddy
- MariaTeresa Biddy
- Javier Blout
- Angela Brannon
- Tammy Bresloff
- James Brockton
- Ward 3 Council Candidate Sam Brooks
- Jerome Butler
- Jesus Christ
- Andrew Dice Clay
- Margaret Clay
- Michael Corleone
- Cory
- Jimmy Crane
- Hector Cruz
- Thelma Cumes,
- DCist Martin
- DCistRob
- Nicole Sherry Dixon (NikkiDix),
- Juan Espinal
- Fenty Campaign Worker Alex Evans
- Harry Firestone,
- Tony Fisher
- Gordon Foer
- Andrew Fogel
- Lester Graham
- Michael C. Griffiths
- Gloria Guiterrez and Gloria Gutierrez
- ha-cha-cha
- Doug Himmel
- Adolph Hitler
- Karen Hoffman
- Jason Holford
- Suzanne H. Jackson,
- Cindy Jenkins
- Theodore Kaczynski (The Unibomber)
- Joanne Kaufman
- Freddy Kreuger,
- Josh Lambert
- Meyer Lansky
- Laurie
- Giovanni Luchese
- MPD Officer Jose Magana and again
- Charles Manson
- Margaret
- Bill McGee
- Margie Meserole
- Carl Miller
- missgloverpark = Leona
- Re. Holy Molely
- Sigvald Olesen,
- Little Bo Peep
- Georgio Puglisi
- rapmasterjohnny
- Anita Rees
- Gabriella Rees,
- Jonathan R. Rees
- Ramon Rivera
- Kathleen Roddy,
- Thelma Roque
- Mindy Silverman
- Juan Antonio Sanchez
- Billy Sanders
- Thomas Shay
- Ida Ruth Smith
- James Ray Smith
- Sam Spammer
- Roy Stewart,
- Roy Stewart,
- Roy Stewart-Rivera
- Studly
- Melinda Sussman
- Cythnia Taub
- Vlad Tepes,
- Maria Teres
- Paulie Walnuts
- Slick Willie
More as I get time to compile the ever growing list.
» Thelma Roque
Rees got a bit of press with his alter-ego (alter-personality?) Thelma Roque who went after an ANC Commissioner who supports Sam Brooks.
Sam, by the way, is a great guy, incredibly smart, thoughtful, and energetic. He's right on all of the issues and will make a fine member of the Council. Sam also has some outstanding competition, many who would also make outstanding Councilmembers. There is no shortage of talent in Ward 3.
Rees, on the otherhand, not so much.
From the Washington Post, February 9, 2006: Scandal: ANC Member Tied to Politics!
From the Washington Times, May 25, 2006: Ward 3 circus stars the invisible Thelma Roque
» A sampling of posts by Jonathan Rees before he decided to run for the Council of the District of Columbia
-MountPleasantDC Yahoo Group Mar 8, 2002"
"I am a 48 year old Italian male living in the Mt. Pleasant area of DC and I am in search of one night stands with women in my area who are educated, friendly, funny, outgoing and just want the same as me."
-LatinoAmericanWashDC Yahoo Group Jun 19, 2004
am in search of a furnished room to rent for 2-3 months preferably in
the Adams Morgan, Mt Pleasant, Georgetown or Upper NW area. I am
willing to pay $100.00 a week. Contact Jonathan atjrr_1955@"
-MountPleasantDC Yahoo Group Mar 5, 2002
» Does Vulgar E-Mail to Judges Violate Prohibition on Filings?
By Tom Schoenberg, American Lawyer Media
On Feb. 10, the entire Washington, D.C. judiciary received an e-mail about a colleague.
The message was filled with vulgarities and aimed at Superior Court Judge John Bayly Jr. It attacked Bayly's credibility and impartiality as a judge and mocked his religious beliefs. The end of the message revealed the author-- Jonathan Rees, a 43-year-old D.C. resident with a long history of litigation in the city's courts.
At the time, Bayly was presiding over Rees' divorce case, which had been going on for eight years. A week after the e-mail, Bayly ordered that Rees show cause why he should not be held in contempt for violating a previous judge's 1992 order prohibiting him additional filings in the divorce matter without judicial approval.
But late last month, in a hearing before Superior Court Judge Michael Rankin, the U.S. attorney's office recommended against prosecuting Rees for the contempt charge, arguing that he did not receive sufficient warning that his actions violated then Superior Court Judge Ricardo Urbina's 1992 order.
Judge Rankin agreed.
"I'm inclined to accept the advice and recommendations that this matter be discharged on the theory that due process would require that the defendant have notice that specifically this type of e-mailing is coming within the gamut of Judge Urbina's order, " Rankin said at the May 27 show-cause hearing.
Urbina's order stated that Rees' "failure to seek leave of the Court before filing papers or in any way transmitting them to the D.C. Superior Court or any clerk of any division within the court, will be treated as contempt of court."
At the hearing, Rankin suggested that Rees' electronic communications with the court may indeed have violated Urbina's order.
"This is revolting stuff here, " Rankin said. "This is pretty revolting, and I don't want anything more of it."
The judge then said he would leave it up to the U.S. attorney's office and Rees' lawyer to draft a proposed order dismissing Bayly's show-cause order. That order is expected to be filed this week.
But the battle may not be over.
At the hearing, Rankin said any order will put Rees on notice that any further e-mails to D.C. judges would be grounds for contempt. Also at the hearing, Assistant U.S. Attorney James Boasberg said: "This court and the U.S. attorney's office will pursue charges against him if Rees engages in this kind of conduct again."
But Rees' attorney says that prohibiting his client from communicating with the judiciary would infringe on Rees' First Amendment right to free speech.
"In my view, if an order prevents Rees from sending e-mail correspondence not related to the case at issue then the court is overstepping its bounds, " says Ferguson Evans, a partner at D.C.'s Garrow Evans and Rees' court- appointed attorney.
» This Race is Personal
His efforts are more seductive than destructive.
On June 12, dental-company manager Jonathan R. Rees sent an e-mail to LL announcing his candidacy. But a quick glance at the D.C. personals section of Craigslist reveals that Rees thinks another good place to kick off a campaign is among romance seekers.
On the same day, Rees posted his campaign announcement and a link to his Web site in several Craigslist categories, including the personals. Under the “Women Seeking Women” heading, Rees wrote “SUPPORTAGAYRIGHTSCANDIDATE” In “Men Seeking Men,” his tease was “YOURKINDOFGUY” In the “M4M Forum” he coyly queried, “WARD3 DCRESIDENT?”
Further research reveals that Rees’ unique approach to making a big political impression seems to have wandered a bit off track. He had previously posted on Craigslist on April 9. In the “Queer Forum,” under the “Threesomes” category,“Jrrees” posed a probing question that’s on the minds of many city residents these days: “In D.C. why is it so hard for a bi guy to arrange a threesome with another guy and gal? Geez, with D.C. being 26% GLBT surely there is someone for everyone!”
Rees calls that post “a test question” to gauge how many responses he would receive “from a nonpolitical posting.”
Rees, who describes himself as a “49-year-old straight widower” who has remarried, says he “went to those places on Craigslist where I would get the highest amount of traffic. I’ve got 192 hits so far.”
But he says one Craigslist category drove most of the traffic to his campaign Web site: the “Politics” section.